First of all, the C of C operates on a $200M budget. They are spending $75M on 2010 mid-term elections, a small fraction of which MAY be, but probably isn't foreign money. We don't know. What we DO know is that AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, and SEIU take in tons more foreign money than the C of C, and they donate tons of money to mid-term elections. And Obama accepted multiple donations for his presidential campaign from Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (really - on-line donations from Disney characters paid by "untraceable" pre-paid credit cards)! I guess the difference is Disney characters are American -- but BP is not and Obama accepted at least a million from them.
David Axelrod says they could clear the whole thing up by disclosing which accounts the money comes from. True. That way, the CEOs of all the AMERICAN companies that donated would have the pleasure of having Obama minions and union thugs on their front lawns (it has happened before). Also, to be fair, AFL-CIO, NEA, SEIU, and MoveOn would also need to disclose. It is true disclosure would create transparency, but when has this administration ever been interested in transparency other than during his presidential campaign when he repeatedly lied about how transparent his administration would be. In fact Obama himself could disclose his birth certificate and college records. I'm thinking if he did we would all find out he's not as smart as the machine has made him out to be. In fact, his economic policies pretty much suggest that anyway. And how much Chinese money is being used to pay his salary and salaries of his czars?
No, I don't think Mr. Obama really wants to turn over those stones.