Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is O'Donnell Really So Bad?

Christine O'Donnell took a loooonnnnnggggggg time to pay off her student loans. They say her home was foreclosed on. She dated some guy in high school and subsequently dabbled in witchcraft, which she ultimately rejected.

First of all, she will do fine if she can get the votes of the millions of Americans who can sympathize with her financial problems and who have also defaulted on a loan and have had their homes foreclosed. Trust me, there's a lot of 'em. I suppose excluding anyone with financial problems would go a long way in protecting Washington's elite since there would be virtually no one to run against them. But to make things fair, Charlie Rangle, Tim Geitner, and a multitude of other Obama henchmen and cabinet members might want to step down.

And witchcraft? I played ouija in high school. Does that count? Cm'on! This was a 17 year-old HIGH SCHOOL student who had a momentary lapse of judgement by dating some guy who was into witchcraft. But, hey, she didn't like it and she certainly did not inhale. Besides, it's not like she was a 40-something first lady of the United States holding seances to talk to Eleanor Roosevelt. O'Donnell is obviously no more a witch than Obama is a Muslim.

Then look at the seat she's seeking. She defeated in the primary a mainstay who you would not even know was a Republican but for the (R) after his name. In the general election she now faces a self-avowed Marxist in Chris Coon for the senate seat vacated by Joe Biden when he somehow became vice-president. Besides being a serial plagiarist, Biden has shown himself time and again to be a bigger moron than George W. Bush. All alternatives considered, O'Donnell seems like a big win for everyone.


  1. Obama isn't a Muslim at all. Also he's not a legal president. He was born outside the United States.

  2. I find it funny that we Republicans write off O'Donnell's witch craft as so old, but fail to mention that Coon's Marxist paper was just as old. I fear the thought of Coons as a US Senator, but that doesn't make Christine O'Donnell a good option. A few mistakes or misguided comments here and there are one thing, but this lady is a train wreck. I was a fan of the Tea Party movement until this endorsement.
    RRB--Baltimore, MD

  3. how about her Pray-Away-the-Gay campaign?

    I don't care about the financial issue and I don't care about the wicca. It's her years-long anti-gay pro-insanity bender that's got me all stab-choke about her.
