"This Republican path to poverty passes like a tornado through America's nursing homes." -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
"In one of the bills before us, 6 million seniors are deprived of meals." -- Nancy Pelosi
"It's an opportunity for the right wing in the House to really sock it to women." -- Diane Feinstein
"This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians." -- Eleanor Holmes Norton
"All this to stop women from getting the regular tests and preventive services that they need." -- Harry Reid
"This entire debate has included throwing women and children under the bus." -- Barbara Mikulski
"I always use the word 'extreme'. That's what the caucus instructed me to do the other week." -- Chuck Schumer
Remember that Sarah Palin was blamed for Tuscon because of her "vitriolic rhetoric" when she talked about "targeting" certain congressional seats. Mind you, also, that Glenn Beck is a "fear monger". The above quotes are nothing but vitriolic rhetoric for the purpose of creating misplaced hatred and based on no facts whatsoever.
The difference between Beck and these jerks is that all the above statements are bald-faced lies -- AND THEY KNOW IT!!! They know it. But they don't care. They are hell-bent on scaring seniors, women, and minorities away from conservative common-sense. They care not if what they say is true because they are convinced that seniors, women, and minorities are either too stupid or too apathetic to bother to search for the truth and call them on it.
Beck shows video and plays audio of his targets (oops, I hope that doesn't cause somebody to shoot somebody else). He shows video of Van Jones saying his wacky stuff. He plays audio of Stephen Lerner laying out his plan to bring down Wall Street and our society.
The truth these days IS scary. Laying it out clearly is not fear-mongering. It's called "dealing with reality". Liberals prefer we just stick our heads in the sand and pretend everything is OK because they maintain their power due to our ignorance. And the less we know, the better their lies sound.
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