Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hypocrisy and Hope

President Obama has taken hypocrisy to depths never before explored from the Oval Office. The latest: accusing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of funding campaigns with foreign money. For real? Does he really want to look under that rock?

First of all, the C of C operates on a $200M budget. They are spending $75M on 2010 mid-term elections, a small fraction of which MAY be, but probably isn't foreign money. We don't know. What we DO know is that AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, and SEIU take in tons more foreign money than the C of C, and they donate tons of money to mid-term elections. And Obama accepted multiple donations for his presidential campaign from Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (really - on-line donations from Disney characters paid by "untraceable" pre-paid credit cards)! I guess the difference is Disney characters are American -- but BP is not and Obama accepted at least a million from them.

David Axelrod says they could clear the whole thing up by disclosing which accounts the money comes from. True. That way, the CEOs of all the AMERICAN companies that donated would have the pleasure of having Obama minions and union thugs on their front lawns (it has happened before). Also, to be fair, AFL-CIO, NEA, SEIU, and MoveOn would also need to disclose. It is true disclosure would create transparency, but when has this administration ever been interested in transparency other than during his presidential campaign when he repeatedly lied about how transparent his administration would be. In fact Obama himself could disclose his birth certificate and college records. I'm thinking if he did we would all find out he's not as smart as the machine has made him out to be. In fact, his economic policies pretty much suggest that anyway. And how much Chinese money is being used to pay his salary and salaries of his czars?

No, I don't think Mr. Obama really wants to turn over those stones.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Immigration Madness

Suppose you are hiring. Suppose someone applies with a Social Security number and everything. Suppose you suspect she might be illegal. What do you do? You cannot check her out as you are not permitted to inquire on ones immigration status. You cannot NOT hire her based on your suspicion as that would be discrimination.

At this point I suppose you flip a coin. Heads you hire her, uncertain of her status, and hope like hell your suspicions are unfounded. Tails you don't hire her and hope like hell the ACLU isn't knocking at your door the next day slapping you with a discrimination suit.

So the coin comes up heads. You hire her. Later you discover that she is indeed illegal and that she had committed Social Security fraud to convince you to hire her.

So you flip the coin again. Heads you continue employing her, knowingly breaking the law yourself, but also knowing that no one will enforce that law. After all, it hasn't been enforced for about 3 administrations now. Tails you show some integrity, disregard the fact the authorities disregard the law, follow the law, and fire her. And again hope like hell the ACLU doesn't show up.

Then suppose all throughout this time liberal progressives have been running your state into the ground morally, culturally, and financially. So you run for governor because no one else who wants to save your state has the money to compete against said liberal progressives. Now suddenly you are under fire for how those coin flips turned out.

But go through those coin flips scenarios again with opposite results, and you will STILL be under fire.

So, what exactly would the liberal progressives have you do? And if you can figure it out, give Meg Whitman a call so she knows the next time. I guess she should have just turned the girl in when she became aware of her status so the feds could find her another job with someone who didn't know.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is O'Donnell Really So Bad?

Christine O'Donnell took a loooonnnnnggggggg time to pay off her student loans. They say her home was foreclosed on. She dated some guy in high school and subsequently dabbled in witchcraft, which she ultimately rejected.

First of all, she will do fine if she can get the votes of the millions of Americans who can sympathize with her financial problems and who have also defaulted on a loan and have had their homes foreclosed. Trust me, there's a lot of 'em. I suppose excluding anyone with financial problems would go a long way in protecting Washington's elite since there would be virtually no one to run against them. But to make things fair, Charlie Rangle, Tim Geitner, and a multitude of other Obama henchmen and cabinet members might want to step down.

And witchcraft? I played ouija in high school. Does that count? Cm'on! This was a 17 year-old HIGH SCHOOL student who had a momentary lapse of judgement by dating some guy who was into witchcraft. But, hey, she didn't like it and she certainly did not inhale. Besides, it's not like she was a 40-something first lady of the United States holding seances to talk to Eleanor Roosevelt. O'Donnell is obviously no more a witch than Obama is a Muslim.

Then look at the seat she's seeking. She defeated in the primary a mainstay who you would not even know was a Republican but for the (R) after his name. In the general election she now faces a self-avowed Marxist in Chris Coon for the senate seat vacated by Joe Biden when he somehow became vice-president. Besides being a serial plagiarist, Biden has shown himself time and again to be a bigger moron than George W. Bush. All alternatives considered, O'Donnell seems like a big win for everyone.

What Is Wrong With Tea Party?

No, really. What is so wrong with what we are doing? Why are WE considered by media to be the radicals?

When did it become "radical" to balance your checkbook? Why is it a "fringe" idea to expect to keep more than half of the money you earn? How is it racist to include people of all races as long as they, too, believe in liberty.

The only mention of race I've seen, even on all the signs, was the statement that "We reject Obama based not on the color of his skin, but on the content of his Marxist/socialist character". That is precisely what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us. It has zero to do with his color and 100% to do with his destructive policies. Nearly every "racist" Tea Party member LOVES Clarence Thomas, certainly not because he's white but because he judges fairly, based on the Constitution rather than twisting the Constitution to appear to match up with their Marxist agenda.

It is almost comical how the Tea Party, with its blue-haired grannies, soccer moms, and peaceful protesters (still looking for signs of all the "violence and racism" these people supposedly incite) are considered radical while the Obama administration, with its ties to Cass Sunstein, Andy Stern, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, etc. and their policies that anyone can see would enslave our nation for generations is considered "mainstream".

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In Defense of Capitalism

Here are some great quotes from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. What a wise, wise woman she was!

"It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake."

"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well."

"Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth."

"To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukaemia with leeches."

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

Imam vs American People

I guess we see where the left stands if it is left solely up to them about the Ground Zero Islamic center. You only need to ask yourself 2 questions:

1. Who is more likely to be funded by foreigners: Ground Zero Imam or Americans For Prosperity? I'm talking like millions of times more likely.

2. Who is the left more CONCERNED about being funded by foreigners?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why Are Conservatives So Evil?

It's no wonder why conservatives are painted as these evil bastards. What with Calvin Coolidge's racism and Ronald Reagan locking up all those Japanese-Americans. Oh, wait, that wasn't Coolidge and Reagan! That was Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt! Amazing how liberals, if they had their way, would have you believe otherwise. ALL DAY LONG it is liberal-progressives who are evil, NOT constitutional-conservatives!

Eisenhower tried to pass a Civil Rights Act in 1957. It was blocked by Democrats who wanted a section taken out that would have removed any clout the bill would carry. A Texas senator got it watered down so that it was predictably ineffective. But this senator wished to get credit from his democratic proponents for helping get it passed while retaining praise from his democratic opponents for passing a weak law. Seven years later, when that senator was president, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Lyndon Johnson gets credit for Civil Rights legislation basically because he blocked a Republican from achieving it. To him, it was worth 7 more years of no Civil Rights reform in exchange for him and democrats receiving historical credit for it when it did happen. And look at all the evil things that happened to Blacks during those 7 years (1957-1964). How much of that may have been avoided had Eisenhower's original, meaningful legislation been passed unaltered in 1957?

And after all of this, our history books teach our young children that African Americans were saved from conservatives by these selfless acts of liberals!

Ah, those angelic, altruistic liberals!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Is Obama a Christian?

Who cares?!?

What we DO know is his father was a Muslim, so in the eyes of the Muslim world he is a Muslim. His policies of leniency toward Muslims and his unintelligible aggressive stance against Israel would certainly seem to support this, but I'm not sure that isn't all just based on his statist and progressive tendencies and ideology rather than on religious preferences.

An easy way to put the issue to rest would be for him to announce when and where he was baptized, but remember the Bible says not to put the Messiah to the test.

On a personal note, I care nothing of what faith he is, so long as he is not lying about it.

Liberals are getting tired of the American People constantly bringing up issues like this, but it stands to reason these questions will arise when we have a president that we know so little about. We just like to know who is leading us.

Pelosi's Priorities

Nancy Pelosi demands to know who it is exactly who is funding all this opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. I'm sorry. I was corrected. It's not a mosque but an Islamic community center, which I assume is a mosque with a foosball table.

Anyway, Pelosi is so out of touch she thinks everyone should embrace this with open arms. And if anyone doesn't? Well, obviously, they're being egged on by some deep-pocketed right-wing racist group, probably led by George W. Bush. So is it crazy for me to think that maybe, just maybe the opposition is nothing more than a collection of millions of clear-thinking relatives, friends, and fellow countrymen of those killed by Islamic extremists on 9/11?

Oh, yeah. She's a little curious as to who is funding the, Islamic community center. But let's just stop opposing it now. Once it's built, then we'll worry about who funded it.