Friday, August 20, 2010

Pelosi's Priorities

Nancy Pelosi demands to know who it is exactly who is funding all this opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. I'm sorry. I was corrected. It's not a mosque but an Islamic community center, which I assume is a mosque with a foosball table.

Anyway, Pelosi is so out of touch she thinks everyone should embrace this with open arms. And if anyone doesn't? Well, obviously, they're being egged on by some deep-pocketed right-wing racist group, probably led by George W. Bush. So is it crazy for me to think that maybe, just maybe the opposition is nothing more than a collection of millions of clear-thinking relatives, friends, and fellow countrymen of those killed by Islamic extremists on 9/11?

Oh, yeah. She's a little curious as to who is funding the, Islamic community center. But let's just stop opposing it now. Once it's built, then we'll worry about who funded it.


  1. Juan-Carlos ShannonAugust 20, 2010 at 3:39 PM

    Pelosi like all the others have no idea about anything. The problem lies in that nobody knows, who is funding this Islamic center. Its true that there should be religious freedom, and that not all Islamic practitioners are terrorists. However, the fact that they're building an Islamic center near ground zero shows that they have no sensibility whatsoever. Its almost like a slap in the face to all the victims and victims' families. How would they like it if Americans went to an Islamic country and opened McDonald's, which provided free food during Ramadam? They wouldn't like it. Unless the Islamic community is willing to denounce terrorists, then they should refrain from building mosques near areas affected by Islamic terrorists. Why can't they choose another area for Christ's sake? why does it has to be near ground zero in New York city? Its time that they start respecting the communities, in which they live, as much as they wish to be respected. Otherwise, let's keep the profiling...

  2. Muslims were killed on 9-11. Some worked in the buildings and others were first responders. So let's not get to preachy. And it, the center, will have a cooking school, basketball court, workout center, community center, I think (am not sure) but a theater and a mosque on one floor. The fact is the NYC zoning board approved it, the Mayor approves of it and a lot of others do as well. The Imam of the Islamic Community Center worked for George Bush after 9-11 to help bridge ties with Muslims across the world. Terrorists don't equal all Muslims. That's like saying Timothy McVeigh represents all Catholics or Christians. Come on all ready. There are many Muslim Americans who love this country just as much as you and I. Miss America is one of them, just to let you know.

    Jess (olean)

  3. Yes. And Miss America opposes the Islamic center. It should be quite the spectacle when Pelosi demands an investigation of HER.

  4. There was only one Timothy McVeigh...How many terrorists are muslims first of all so if you want to
    And it's simply a matter of why there? If you want to promote peace and understanding then pull the permit and go elsewhere.THAT SIMPLE.

  5. Juan-Carlos Shannon: I don't really see what the problem is. Christians built churches right next to the places where they killed countless people. Should all of those churches be removed? During the early years of the United States, the genocide of the native americans took place, does that mean we shouldn't build a country there? We did all of those things as americans (and other western nations), and if a small group of pissed of crazy muslims attacked the towers and the pentagon on 9/11, I don't see why a moderate group of Muslims can't have a mosque there.

    Also there are a lot of McDonalds in muslim countries. I guess that just shows that you don't know much about the people you speak against. Most of those terrorists aren't even good muslims. Killing innocent people (for example on 9/11) is a huge sin and blowing yourself up is just as bed. Both send those muslims to hell.

    Dave: as far as the funding goes, from what I know, we usually donate money to get the mosque built. A majority of muslims in america also keep track of this money. The mosque near my house on hoadly rd, took almost 15 years to even get built and 10 of those years was just to get the permit to the land and mosque. While at the same time a church was built next door in maybe a couple months time and it took them about 6 months to get the permits. The difference is that those churches either have a lot of money or the government pays for them. Mosques are paid for by the muslims go to it.
