Eisenhower tried to pass a Civil Rights Act in 1957. It was blocked by Democrats who wanted a section taken out that would have removed any clout the bill would carry. A Texas senator got it watered down so that it was predictably ineffective. But this senator wished to get credit from his democratic proponents for helping get it passed while retaining praise from his democratic opponents for passing a weak law. Seven years later, when that senator was president, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Lyndon Johnson gets credit for Civil Rights legislation basically because he blocked a Republican from achieving it. To him, it was worth 7 more years of no Civil Rights reform in exchange for him and democrats receiving historical credit for it when it did happen. And look at all the evil things that happened to Blacks during those 7 years (1957-1964). How much of that may have been avoided had Eisenhower's original, meaningful legislation been passed unaltered in 1957?
And after all of this, our history books teach our young children that African Americans were saved from conservatives by these selfless acts of liberals!
Ah, those angelic, altruistic liberals!
you are finally seeing the light.. I told you something similar many years ago. Its not that conservatives were bad, its just the propaganda went against them. However, my point of view is that both liberals and conservatives have good and bad moments in history. Its up to ourselves to look at them objectively..
maybe they were just born that way....or maybe because they have leaders like Palin, Bauchmann, and Limbaugh. Or Glen Beck rewriting history. Or maybe it's the Tea Party wanting to take back the country. Take it back from what? Republican policies put us in our current situation and it takes a lot to dig us out of the ditch. Liberals like to help all people not just the rich and Wall Street. Or maybe conservatives are just......I won't go on. We differ on so much Dave and this could take all night.
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